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The Benefits and Drawbacks of Tandem Kayaks

Tandem kayaks, designed to seat two people, offer paddlers several unique advantages over single-seat kayaks. However, they also come with some tradeoffs that should be considered before purchasing. This guide will overview the pros and cons of tandem kayaks and provide recommendations on ideal models for different needs.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Tandem Kayaks

Paddeling with a partner...


One of the best benefits of a two-person kayak is the ability to paddle with a partner. Tandem models open up kayaking as a fun social activity to share with a significant other, family member, or friend. Many find navigating the waters together to be more enjoyable than paddling alone.

Tandem kayaks also offer increased stability and cargo capacity over single kayaks. Their wider hulls and two centers of gravity make them less prone to capsizing. The extra space can hold more gear for overnight trips or long days on the water.

For beginners, tandem kayaks provide an excellent platform to learn proper paddling techniques from an experienced partner before venturing out in a solo boat. The second paddler acts as both an instructor and a safety net in case mistakes are made.


The main downside of tandem kayaks is reduced maneuverability and tracking. Their elongated hulls are more challenging to efficiently paddle and turn. It takes communication and coordination between the two paddlers to effectively maneuver the boat.

Tandem models also don't perform as well when used by a single paddler. With one set of paddling input, the boat can pull to one side. For those looking for maximum efficiency paddling solo, a single-seat kayak is preferable.

Finally, tandem kayaks have a higher starting price point and can be more difficult to transport than solo kayaks due to their larger size and weight. Carefully consider logistics before purchase.

Best Brands

When shopping for a tandem kayak, look for a lighter thermoform plastic or inflatable model for easier car-topping and storage versus heavier rotomolded plastic. Top-rated brands include:

- Advanced Elements (inflatable models like the AdvancedFrame Convertible)
- Wilderness Systems (thermoform models like the Pungo 120)
- Sea Eagle (inflatable models like the Sea Eagle 385FT)

Prioritize an adjustable seat system to fit paddlers of different sizes. Test in-store, if possible, to evaluate comfort and fit before buying. Consider weight capacity, hull design, and included accessories to match the tandem kayak with your needs.

The Verdict

For couples, families, beginners, and recreational paddlers, the pros of an adjustable, lightweight tandem kayak generally outweigh the cons. Models from Sea Eagle, Wilderness Systems, and Advanced Elements receive high marks across reviews. Tandem kayaks open up kayaking as a shared activity for memory-making on the water.

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